Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spring Break - Wyndham Resort 3

Home-cooked meals are still the awesome-st :) 

Yummlicious fish ;) 


We're a group of alcoholics... :P 


Dinner at the legendary Dick's Last Resort. 
Another taste of the American culture ;) 

Definitely not fine dining ;) 

Guests certainly enjoyed wearing over-sized condoms on their heads while dinning...

There's a reason why they need a bouncer in the restaurant....

Because their waiters and waitresses will scream, mock, & insult you with utmost impoliteness and brutal vulgarities... Not a place for the easily-offended :) 

Mandy sat aghast at the non-stop, Mississippi-long chain of vulgarities spitting out from our attendant's mouth as he introduced the menu items with contempt and impatience.  

The most amusing part was the customized condom-hats he made for each of us... 
Absolutely crude, dirty and coarse, but... entertaining when you go as a big group, laughing at each other's stupidity :) 

I was the last to be tortured... What a violent bully, tossing my head around just like that~! =/

Oh man...... @__@

No plates and proper utensils, "make do with that piece of paper!", we were ordered by our waiter....

Even their food looked coarse... haha. 


Well, we certainly didn't go there for finger-licking good food. 

It was the cheap-thrill that we were feasting on. ;)


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