Sunday, June 19, 2011

Spring Break - Wyndham Resort 4

Good Morning, Myrtle Beach~! :) 


See, hear, speak no evil.  =X

Look at Joel's face when their castle was being destroyed. Muahaha. :D 

Awesomeness. Straight from the camera, no editing ;) 

Happy :) 

The Awesome Five ;)  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spring Break - Wyndham Resort 3

Home-cooked meals are still the awesome-st :) 

Yummlicious fish ;) 


We're a group of alcoholics... :P 


Dinner at the legendary Dick's Last Resort. 
Another taste of the American culture ;) 

Definitely not fine dining ;) 

Guests certainly enjoyed wearing over-sized condoms on their heads while dinning...

There's a reason why they need a bouncer in the restaurant....

Because their waiters and waitresses will scream, mock, & insult you with utmost impoliteness and brutal vulgarities... Not a place for the easily-offended :) 

Mandy sat aghast at the non-stop, Mississippi-long chain of vulgarities spitting out from our attendant's mouth as he introduced the menu items with contempt and impatience.  

The most amusing part was the customized condom-hats he made for each of us... 
Absolutely crude, dirty and coarse, but... entertaining when you go as a big group, laughing at each other's stupidity :) 

I was the last to be tortured... What a violent bully, tossing my head around just like that~! =/

Oh man...... @__@

No plates and proper utensils, "make do with that piece of paper!", we were ordered by our waiter....

Even their food looked coarse... haha. 


Well, we certainly didn't go there for finger-licking good food. 

It was the cheap-thrill that we were feasting on. ;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring Break - Wyndham Resort 2

Benefit of a huge bed? 
Pillow fight! :D

Tommy + Joel

Tommy + Joel + Mandy

Tommy + Joel + Mandy + Kelvin

Tommy + Mandy + Kelvin + Christina 

Smack! Smack!! Smack!!!




We went to the Game Room for some after-beach activities. 

Hong Kong VS Singapore!

I got pretty addicted to hitting the tiny ping pong ball~! What an ingenious invention it is! :) 

London bridge is falling down
falling down 
falling down....


I suck at all games. 

Contentment written all over the face :) :) 

And love was in the air ;) 

Spring Break - Wyndham Resort @ North Myrtle Beach

Kudos to Joel and his dad, we managed to stay in a huge, 3-room, fully equipped and cozy timeshare resort at the North Myrtle Beach. :) 

The king-sized bed which Mandy and I happily snuggled ourselves on. 

Our bathroom 

Over-privileged master bedroom for Joel ;) 

Jacuzzi for the guys. 
Sounds wrong, but yes, the 3 of them did share the night bathing together.... ;) 

Living-cum-dining room 

The ready-to-make-something-tasty kitchen


Hungry ghosts~! :) 

Surely we know how to enjoy ourselves ;) 

An intense moment... 

They cooked themselves in the hot-tub after dinner ;)  

Day 2!

Myrtle Beach! 

Through the tinted glass

Wyndham poster boys :) 

Molester watch-out! 

Sand sculptor making a sea dragon

Tommy has a really awesome camera! 
Tommy really has an awesome camera!

Dashing towards the soul-salvaging freedom that we each longed for

Living the good life. 
Indeed, indeed :) 

The Scavenger Hunt ;) 

Joel found a baby shark's tooth! @_@

I was wearing a hoodie cos the weather was freezing-ly cold!! >_<